To start off the project, I created a table of all the jobs that needed doing, what resources they require, when they need to be done for, and why they need to be done. I did separate ones for About That Record and my photography as both are quite different and it was easier to see what needed doing.
I found that I didn't quite stick to the job list. Whilst I got most of the tasks completed, I didn't stick to the deadlines I set on them as I found everything happened at different times and it was easier to just do the different jobs when I needed to rather than trying to cram everything into certain weeks. As I went through the project, I realised some of the tasks were unrealistic for this specific project and the issue with the Wordpress theme did also mean I wasn't able to complete a lot of the About That Record ones.
At the beginning of each week, I made sure to fill out a document for what to do that week and evaluate what I did and didn't do at the end so I knew what to do and focus on the following week. By doing this, it helped me see what my weak areas were and what I could be doing to improve on those, as well as making sure I was getting everything done and planning my weeks properly. One thing I didn't factor in was time to use to catch up on things with if something unexpected happen. A few things, such as illness, my car breaking down, and my laptop not working affected how much I got done in the weeks and it was hard to catch up on these as I left myself hardly any spare time to do so.
WEEK BEGINNING: 18th November
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Make my Proposal presentation
Shoot Starcrawler’s London gig
Edit the photos and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’
What resources will you need?
Google slides
Notes from Project 1
Plan for Project 2
My camera
Starcrawler & Pretty Sick
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Presentation - 2 / 3 hours
Attending the gig - 6 / 7 hours (2.5 hours travelling, 4.5 hours at the gig)
Editing the photos - 3-7 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Updating my portfolio with the Starcrawler photos - 30 mins - 1 hour
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Research into what I am doing for Project 2 to use in the presentation
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
Testing my flashgun to see if I can get it working again for Starcrawler as it broke at a gig a few weeks back
I think this week went well. I was able to get some amazing shots at Starcrawler as the band has such a good stage presence and are great to photograph. The photos came out a lot better than other gigs I have shot due to this incredible stage presence and how exciting the band are, and I am submitting them to a magazine. I also made a start on my presentation, doing the research for it and making notes for what to include in the Powerpoint. I did not get a chance to start reading the book though, although this is not too important and is just something extra I am doing. Next week, I have to organise photo passes for more gigs, complete the presentation, and make a start on improving About That Record.
WEEK BEGINNING: 25th November
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Proposal presentation
Get Sam Fender photopass confirmed
Attend Winter in the City
To-do list for the project
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry'
What resources will you need?
Google Slides
My camera
Schedule for WITC
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Presentation - 1 hour
Emailing about the photopass - 5 minutes
Attending Winter In The City - 3 days
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Looking at what trains I need to book to get to/from WITC
Planning out a schedule for the weekend, including Isla’s meet & greet and panel
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
I achieved quite a lot this week. I presented my proposal for Project 2 in front of the class and teachers which I think went well, although I need to work on my presenting skills and nervousness as it affected how I came across. I got a photopass confirmed for Sam Fender at Brighton Dome, but did not realise it clashed with WITC and so could not attend unfortunately. Attending WITC was a great experience and I was able to take a lot of great photos as well as network with many YouTubers. I also completed my To-Do list for the project, doing a different one for About That Record and my photography. Next week, my focus will be on taking photos of Slaves’ and researching features to use on About That Record.
WEEK BEGINNING: 2nd December
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Shoot Slaves’ Brighton gig
Edit the photos and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Update About That Record with the review of the Slaves’ gig
Researching what features to use on About That Record
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’
What resources will you need?
My camera
My laptop
Different music websites & magazines
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Attending the photoshoot - 7 hours
Editing the photos - 5 - 15 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Updating my portfolio with the Luna Blue photos - 1 hour - 1.5 hours
Looking at what Wordpress theme I can buy to use - 1 - 2 hours
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Looking at different music websites & magazines and making notes of what features they have
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
Researching what flashgun is best to upgrade to as my current one is broken and needs replacing
This week didn’t quite go to plan. I ended up receiving a photo pass for Adam Ant at Brighton Centre on Friday, but I found out late Thursday night and was no longer able to go due to me already arranging different plans in London. Slaves also cancelled their gig on Saturday, as well as the whole tour, and so I didn’t end up taking any photos this week. I also didn’t get a chance to look at new flashguns. However, I managed to get a lot of research done for About That Record on different features I could introduce and how I could theme the social media accounts. Next week, I hope to take photos at another gig, possibly Inhaler, and attend the Christmas Party we are organising at college.
WEEK BEGINNING: 9th December
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Shoot Inhaler’s London gig
Edit the photos and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Help run the Christmas party at college
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’
What resources will you need?
Google Docs
My camera
My laptop
Promotional material for the Christmas party
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Attending the London gig - 6 / 7 hours (2.5 hours travelling, 4.5 hours at the gig)
Editing the photos - 3 - 7 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Updating my portfolio with the Inhaler photos - 1 hour - 1.5 hours
Running the Christmas party - 5 hours
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Research into how to run a successful party event for the Christmas party on Friday
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
This week went quite well. I managed to get a photo pass for Inhaler’s London gig at the last minute, and ended up doing a lot of networking with industry professionals at the gig as well as taking some amazing shots. I also got a positive response about the photos from their manager and the band themself, which is good as it means I am doing well with my photography. The party went alright, but there was a lack of communication from us as a group which meant it didn’t run as well as it could have and that is something we need to improve on for the future. Next week I will focus on getting my portfolio updated and catching up on work.
WEEK BEGINNING: 30th December
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Do the photoshoot with Luna Blue in Brighton
Edit the photos to send to the band and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Redesign About That Record
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’
What resources will you need?
My camera
My laptop
Luna Blue
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Attending the photoshoot - 7 hours
Editing the photos - 5 - 15 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Updating my portfolio with the Luna Blue photos - 1 hour - 1.5 hours
Looking at what Wordpress theme I can buy to use - 1 - 2 hours
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Research into locations to use for the photoshoot
Research into different themes I can purchase to use for About That Record
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
This week didn’t go to plan at all. I was ill the whole week and was unable to get any work done. I also had to cancel the photoshoot with Luna Blue and reschedule to the next weekend as I just wasn’t well enough. This has caused a lot of stress for the next week as I will now have 3 photoshoots to do in one weekend (splitting Luna Blue’s into 2 + the Flowvers one) as well as all the work to catch up on.
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Do the photoshoots with Luna Blue in Brighton
Do the music video shoot with Flowvers in Portsmouth
Edit the photos to send to the bands and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Redesign About That Record
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry'
What resources will you need?
My camera
My laptop
Luna Blue & Flowvers
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Attending the photoshoots - 7 hours
Attending the videoshoot - 7.5 hours
Editing the photos - 15 - 30 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Updating my portfolio with the Luna Blue & Flowvers photos - 1 hour - 1.5 hours
Looking at what Wordpress theme I can buy to use - 1 - 2 hours
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Research into locations to use for the photoshoot
Research into different themes I can purchase to use for About That Record
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
This week didn’t start off well. I was still quite ill and so didn’t get to use the first half of the week. I did 3 photoshoots in one weekend and ended up with over 2000 photos to go through, so had no chance to get anything else done. I did have a quick flick through the photos though and they have come out well so there is that at least. Next week I will need to focus on getting these photos finished and sent off to the bands.
WEEK BEGINNING: 13th January
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Edit the photos to send to the bands and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Redesign About That Record
Attend the gig at The Brunswick
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry'
What resources will you need?
My camera
My laptop
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Attending the gig - 4 hours
Editing the photos - 15 - 30 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Updating my portfolio with the Luna Blue & Flowvers photos - 1 hour - 1.5 hours
Looking at what Wordpress theme I can buy to use - 1 - 2 hours
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Research into different themes I can purchase to use for About That Record
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
This week wasn’t much better than last week. I had issues with my laptop not working properly and things happening outside the photography/college that meant it took me longer to get the photos done and I ended up missing the deadline for them. I did manage to find a theme to use for About That Record however. I also attended my friend’s gig at The Brunswick on Friday and spoke caught up with some industry friends that were there, including one from Southampton who has recently moved to Brighton and works at a music management company now. Next week, I will focus on redesigning About That Record and network at both the This Feeling gig and FB:GP training day in London.
WEEK BEGINNING: 20th January
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Take photos at This Feeling’s ‘Big in 2020’ gig in London
Edit the photos to send to the bands and put them on my portfolio & Instagram
Do the pre-training research for FB:GP
Attend the FB:GP training day in London
Do my Final Evaluation presentation
Redesign About That Record
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’
What resources will you need?
Google Slides
My camera
My laptop
My notebook with all the research for FB:GP in
FB:GP pre-training document
This Feeling’s lineup
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Attending the gig - 6 hours
Editing the photos - 15 - 30 hours (depends on how many there are to edit)
Research for FB:GP - 6 hours
Attending the FB:GP training day - 8 hours
Updating my portfolio with the This Feeling photos - 1 hour - 1.5 hours
Doing the Final Evaluation presentation - 5 hours
Looking at how I can import the new theme into Wordpress - 1 hour
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
Research for FB:GP using the document provided and Google
Research what trains to take to/from London and the tubes I will be using
What I need to include in my Final Evaluation presentation
This week went quite well, although it didn’t go exactly to plan. I spent the beginning of the week working on my Final Evaluation presentation ready to present the following week. I also tried importing the theme I bought into Wordpress, although this wasn’t possible as Wordpress had recently changed the plan types and my plan was no longer eligible to import new themes. I looked at whether it would be possible to host the website on a server like GoDaddy or, but this would cost too much money and be too complicated and so I had to change my plans. I attended a This Feeling ‘Big in 2020’ gig in London with Flowvers and took photos of a few of the bands playing, as well as backstage photos. My camera did play up during this and I missed out on quite a few good shots. The lighting was low too and it was hard to get lots of decent photos as my camera cannot cope with low lighting and the built-in flash doesn’t work properly anymore. I also didn’t get a chance to network at this gig which is a shame as I thought I would be able to do a lot, but it was still a good one. The FB:GP training day was very good. I learnt a lot from the training we received, plus got a chance to network with others who are a similar age to me with a similar amount of experience in the industry. I managed to build quite a few connections which will hopefully be useful in the future. My laptop stopped working after the gig on Thursday (I wasn’t able to import/export any photos in Lightroom and the laptop itself was too slow and buggy) so I had to spend the weekend backing it up and factory resetting it to solve these issues. This meant I wasn’t able to do any more work on selecting a theme for About That Record as there was no time to do so. Next week, my focus is to get About That Record redesigned and be an Independent Venue Week rep, as well as present my Final Evaluation presentation to the class.
WEEK BEGINNING: 27th January
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
Complete my Final Evaluation presentation and present it to the class
Be paired up with my FB:GP mentor
Be an Independent Venue Week rep
Redesign About That Record
Start putting my project onto the Wix website
Research into where is best to buy a new camera from
Read Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’
What resources will you need?
My laptop
Google Slides
IVW Audience Interview form
Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Completing the presentation - 2 hours
Presenting the presentation to the class - 20 minutes
Being an IVW rep - 4 - 5 hours each night, 3x this week: 12 - 15 hours
Typing up all the IVW research up to send at the end of the week - 1 hour
Putting the project onto the Wix website - any free time I have
Looking for a new Wordpress theme to use - 2 hours
Researching where to buy the camera from - 2 hours
Reading the book - 2 hours
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week?
How many people are at the IVW gigs, how often they go to gigs, how often they visit venues, etc
What Wordpress themes I can use
Which website is best to buy a second-hand camera from
Reading Phil Taggart’s ‘Slacker Guide To The Music Industry’ book and making notes
This was one of the best weeks of the project. I presented my Final Evaluation presentation to the class and it went a lot better than my Proposal one. I wasn’t as nervous and was a lot more confident with presenting. A potential reason for this is the networking I have done for this project - it has given me a lot more confidence and I am better at speaking to people. I also got to be an Independent Venue Week rep for the first time. This involved me arriving at venues early to check the appropriate IVW branding was up and meeting staff & artists. I also had to conduct interviews with audience members and ask them the questions IVW had sent me. Doing this helped me build up more confidence and network with people - I met a music photographer, journalist, PRS worker, etc from doing these interviews. It gave me a great insight into the gig scene and I learnt a lot from it. I had a look at different Wordpress-specific themes to use for About That Record too but didn’t find any I liked so will wait until Wordpress refresh them in a few weeks until I redesign the website. I also found my dream camera for a price I could afford on MPB and so bought it, along with a new flashgun, as I really needed to upgrade my equipment, especially since my current camera is no longer properly. I also started to update the Wix website with my project. Next week, the focus will be on creating a photography showreel as my final product and getting my project all onto Wix.